Equipo de Socorristas Profesionales

En Aquamirada, contamos con un equipo altamente capacitado para garantizar la seguridad acuática en hoteles, urbanizaciones y parques acuáticos.

Comprometido con la excelencia en la atención y respuesta inmediata, nuestro personal no solo posee las habilidades necesarias para manejar situaciones críticas, sino que también participa en un proceso de capacitación continua para mantenerse actualizado en las mejores prácticas y técnicas de rescate.

Además, nos aseguramos de cumplir con todas las normativas que rigen la profesión, lo que nos permite ofrecer un servicio seguro y eficiente.

A lifeguard post with signs in French, 'Poste de Secours' and 'Sauveteurs Lifeguard', located near a body of water. The building is small, white with red and yellow horizontal stripes. The scene takes place during sunset, with the sky displaying pink and orange hues, reflected on the calm waters. The background shows a silhouette of a forested hill. In the foreground, there are two trash bins and a patch of grass.
A lifeguard post with signs in French, 'Poste de Secours' and 'Sauveteurs Lifeguard', located near a body of water. The building is small, white with red and yellow horizontal stripes. The scene takes place during sunset, with the sky displaying pink and orange hues, reflected on the calm waters. The background shows a silhouette of a forested hill. In the foreground, there are two trash bins and a patch of grass.
A lifeguard stand with an orange umbrella marked 'Life Guard 14' is positioned on a sandy beach. Two people are seen walking near the waves, one holding a lifeguard float. The ocean appears slightly rough with waves crashing onto the shore.
A lifeguard stand with an orange umbrella marked 'Life Guard 14' is positioned on a sandy beach. Two people are seen walking near the waves, one holding a lifeguard float. The ocean appears slightly rough with waves crashing onto the shore.

Nuestro Compromiso

Nos dedicamos a brindar seguridad acuática, asegurando que nuestros socorristas estén siempre preparados para cualquier situación en entornos acuáticos.